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Quack Senator Plays Quack Doctor for the Media


(Quack 'Patriots'“Quack!” in Agreement)

Ron Johnson wants to assure you he is safe1, quite comfortable, and he knows where his next meal is coming from. He's also glad to say he is still enjoying the freedumb to, uh, “think,” and to say aloud, at any moment, those disjointed notions that flit into and out of his brain cell.

Many of you were no doubt losing sleep, concerned that Ron Johnson's world2 might be disturbed by Democratic-majority governance, with its dangerous, arguably demonic reliance on facts and science3, and the baffling, undue deference it gives to the needs of non-millionaires, non-whites and non-Fascists. You've also noticed how eager Million Dollar Johnson is to don his Chef's hat and “spice up” current events by tossing in bizarre ingredients from his cupboard of crazy.

I'm here today to say, “Don't worry, freedumb-loving Americans! Even if RonAnon cannot push his square-tired wheelbarrow of wingnut lunacies into the national spotlight and experience the ecstasy of seeing them gain traction and acceptance, his Tower of Babble stands strong, impervious to reason, its framework uncorroded by facts, by science or by history, its mechanicals lubricated against the debilitating frictions of public service, cooperative governance, accountability to constituents, oath of office or civic duty.”

No stinkin' responsibilities and no pesky constituents is gonna stop the flow of stupid from the beak of Senator Birdbrain.

Johnson's microverse is humming along like...well, like a mechanical watch in a septic tank...like a hummingbird drunk on sugar water that keeps bumping into windows, birdhouses and falcons...like a vacuum cleaner sucking up puddles of gasoline...you really can't believe that it's still, sort of, “working.”

Biologists who study the behavior of this rare mutation, the Dissociative Johnson4, report that the primitive organelle in its brain cell responsible for organizing sensory input is psycho-omnivorous. Sensory input is automatically dissociated from events, causes, timelines and tyrants, and is constantly recombined with fresh sensory input, to create non-historical, non-evidentiary psychoses5. These recombinant delusions are assigned a word-salad “narrative” and excreted through the oral orifice when the creature is subjected to interrogative intonations common in human speech and human social interaction.

This oral discharge is autonomic, a gag reflex, as it were. The Dissociative Johnson has no control over it. A multi-disciplinary task force of biologists, psychiatrists and linguists studied a decade's worth of the Dissociative Johnson's public excretions and verified that, indeed, no link could be found between an interrogative the creature happened to overhear and any of its subsequent oral discharges. The psycho-linguistic biopathology of the creature is, in short, baffling.

Constituents say no further proof of Johnson's disability is needed, or wanted, but their complaints to the drones that waste oxygen in his offices have yet to stop fresh discharges of conspiracy-laced sewage from the maw of this moron. You see, “The Johnson” cannot perceive its own dysfunction, and refuses to seek help. Instead the ever-opportunistic parasite sucked up data on the COVID-19 virus, indeed, sucked up the virus itself, dutifully dissociated both activities, and discharged the following misinformation:

Mr. Johnson, in the (New York) Times interview, also faulted the federal government for what he called its 'tunnel vision' pursuit of aCovid-19 vaccine while not more deeply studying treatments such as hydroxychloroquine — the anti-malarial drug promoted by Mr. Trump that the Food and Drug Administration says is not effective against the virus. That strategy, he said, cost 'tens of thousands of lives.'”A,6

Senator “Quack!” Johnson is not a real senator, it should be noted, nor is he a medical doctor, a virologist, an epidemiologist, or a fully-developed rational, emotionally mature, responsible human being. He is clearly, in other words, a Republican.

Senator Loose Cannon doesn't seem to grasp that he is criticizing the previous administration, the one “led” by a savagely corrupt, personality-disordered buffoon whom “The Johnson” fluffed and worshiped. And if Wisconsin's quack senator wants to put on his quack doctor scrubs, toss the names of existing medications into a drum, spin it and pick out a “winner,” he can do that on his own time, say, at “Super-Spreader Parties,” or Klan rallies, or as an info-tainment video in QAnon chat rooms, whatever.

But listen Ron. Squandering time and taxpayer money during an epidemic to “prove” that a wholly inappropriate medication (selected by Die Trumpenfuhrer using his trademark “Pulled it out of my ass” Method), is a sure thing, would actually, if you thought about it, cost “tens of thousands of lives.”

If you thought about it...

Autonomic discharge of dissociated delusion...

Senator Waaay-Behind-the-Curve, famous for asking questions about established facts7, which only spotlights his willful, abysmal ignorance, has also been curiously incurious about the Trump Administration's non-response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather than using the power of the federal government to function as a clearinghouse for data, rather than leading the pharmaceutical industry and both public and private sector research facilities in the search for the virus vectors and for a vaccine, rather than removing barriers to the manufacture and distribution of the vaccine, the Trump Administration's slow-walking of any, any, substantive response to protect its citizens...wait for it, Ron...cost the nation “tens of thousands of lives.”

Where was your leadership on this issue, oh Dissociative Johnson? You are a millionaire. You could have mustered a molecule of civic duty and funded research on a vaccine, gotten behind the science to advance human knowledge and decrease human suffering...instead of getting bulldozed by it, buried, and (for the umpteenth time, and rightfully) being branded a fool and a conspiracy theorist. And getting marginalized/sidelined...again. Neither of those prior monikers function as an honorary, btw. We know you need that stated explicitly...

Hell, if you were so fired up about your gas-bloated Sith Master’s quasi-miraculous brainfart that hydroxychloroquine was a COVID-19 treatment, you could have put your money where your oral discharge pipe is located and funded the “research.” You could've been a national hero! Why aren't you funding public-access Hydroxychloroquine testing and distribution centers nationwide, where your true-believing fellow cultists can publicly offer themselves up for “science” as interpreted by Ron Johnson? Your Feckless Leader prophesied a Great Cure! Where is your faith?

In Ron Johnson's microverse, the problems his constituents and his country face are always somebody else's fault, always somebody else's responsibility. All Senator Shiftless ever does is dissociate the cause and discharge a delusion-filled “explanation” of absolutely no worth, no credibility, no coherence...and free of facts. Odd how none of his fellow GQP cult members stand beside him to support, affirm and amplify his delusions. The stinky cheesehead stands alone...

Senator Cranial Vacuum caught himself COVID-19, dissociated the event, and (of course), became a superspreader of disinformation about the virus. Asked if he would get the vaccine, he said, “No, I had COVID, so I don't believe...I think that probably provides me the best immunity possible actually having the disease.”B

[To that trademark Johnson syntax, which is every bit as scattered as the brain that excreted it, let me add “(sic)”.]

Yeah, let's unpack this spin, untangle the grammatical syntax (and identify its function), and spotlight the truly dangerous misinformation he is spreading. It's clear that one of Muddle-Mind's henchmen managed to hammer a stent through his cranium and dropped in a grain of truth, in the vain hope that “diluting” his oral discharge might help Muddle-Mind establish some credibility. It is often the case that surviving a virus provides the survivor some immunity from future reinfection.

“But a recent study led by Public Health England (PHE) shows most people who have had the(COVID) virus are protected from catching it again for at least five months (the duration of the analysis so far).

Some are reinfected, however, and, even if asymptomatic, can then harbour high levels of the virus in their noses and mouths, which can be passed on to others.C

If “The Johnson” bothered to keep himself informed, he would have acknowledged that whether his own Extra-Special Self is safe or not is not the entire issue. Senator Self-Absorbed could not only get COVID again, he could transmit the virus to others, right now and in the future, and he has no way of predicting how anyone he infects will respond. He is not God, and has no right to play God. He has not earned the right to transmit death and disability to other human beings and then pull a Pontius Pilate, i.e., wash his hands of the matter. To compound his dangerous stupidity, he is dog whistling at the anti-vaxxer cult. By sidestepping and talking down vaccination (He often retreats to the conceit, “there’s still so much we don’t know about all of this,” ignoring published data), the idiot is putting others at risk of infection and vulnerable to those “Long-Hauler” health complications that he is also ignoring.

[UPDATE: Only hours after this diary was posted, a CDC press release entitled “CDC Real-World Study Confirms Protective Benefits of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” stated:

“The study demonstrates that these two mRNA vaccines can reduce the risk of all SARS-CoV-2 infections, not just symptomatic infections.

This is important because preventing both asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infections...through vaccination can help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2...”F 

The CDC would advise Johnson to get vaccinated, even though he has had COVID. Wanna bet “The Johnson” never bothers to read, much less even try to look for, studies of this type? He’ll continue to spread misinformation as if they don’t exist.]

The sheer, monumental stupidity...the smug, pathological arrogance...

While the muddled language of his response gives him deniability- “I think that (having had COVID) probably provides me the best immunity possible...,”- his complete lack of concern for others is pathological. And the facts, the data, the evidence say he's wrong. Moral compass? That needle spun itself off decades ago. This is one babbling, bumbling, incompetent monster running amok...

The last phrase in that PHE quote is the one that Oblivious Johnson and the Republicans studiously ignore. It compels the members of their Cult of Supreme Self-Absorption to act for the wellbeing of a diverse nation (“Diverse? Ooooo! Icky!”). And the hides of these cult members begin to itch, unbearably, at the mere notion that some act of selflessness on their part, and the minor discomfort or inconvenience that attends it, would offer protection to all those people they want to ignore, to destroy, and/or to subjugate.

Here is the essence of the Republican nonresponse to the pandemic: American Indian/Alaskan Natives are 2.4 times more likely to die from COVID than whites. African Americans are 1.9 times more likely, Hispanic/Latino Americans 2.3 times more likely.D In an era where a corrupt Trump Administration8 made it acceptable to say racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic and totalitarian garbage out loud, in public, and to disseminate it in the media, here is at least one strategy the GQP wants to think, a strategy it is busy enacting, but doesn't want to say out loud. They can purge the voter rolls of undesirables through mere inaction, through slow-walking the problem, through propagandists like the late Limbaugh, who called COVID “the flu” to assure the rabid Republican rabble that they didn't need to change any part of their lives, any routine, or alter any knee-jerk inclination to selfishness, when responding to the pandemic. Rush assured them that denial and nonresponse were perfectly acceptable, hell, were more than that, were inalienable rights! They could continue to be the most petty, selfish, small-minded, ignorant, fear-filled, xenophobic and supposedly victimized freedumb fighters in the land, bursting with entitlement and self-importance.

They are, in fact, the Summer Soldiers and the Sunshine Patriots. Thomas Paine warned us about these shrinkers, these cowards.E Wisconsin's Quack Senator9 is their bullhorn...I mean their Bullshit Horn...


1. Antifa Agents were arrested before they could breach the walls of the Multi-million dollar Johnson compound and collapse his Freedumb Bunker, which is complete with an AM Radio broadcasting studio. The stupid, he is eager to assure us, is unstoppable...

2. “Ron Johnson WorldTM,”is now an interactive, online role-playing game. Join General Ron and his band of “Paytriots” (White Nationalist Mercenaries) as they battle the evil Demoncrats and their Libtard Zombies for control of the Borderlands. An upgrade to the game infects Demoncrats with the “Fax” Virus, enhancing their power, while the Libtards wield a new and deadly weapon called “Sigh-Uns” that threatens to exterminate the Paytriots and end Feudal Fascism as we know it. So real it's scary...

3. In the Republican Cult, “facts” and “science” are united under the formal term, “Necromancy.” Among the rank-and-file cultists, however, such abominations are simply called “Devil Worship.”

4. Dissociative Johnson is the Linnaean classification for a rare, conservative creature commonly called the Scatterbrained Dick. Glenn Grothman is another example of the species.

5. Sane Americans, when exposed to such discharges, may experience headaches, nausea, confusion, and severe allergic reaction to the presence of Fascists and Narcissists. No vaccine is yet available. Prevention, beginning with early identification of Fascists and Narcissists, followed by early intervention consisting of prosocial modeling of human interactions and psychotherapy, remain the best strategies to prevent outbreaks of Fascism and Narcissism. Seen in this light, Ron Johnson is a tragedy, a mis-parented, anti-coherent isolationist who slipped through the cracks of civil society.

6. Imagine this all-too-plausible scenario: Several epidemiologists, interviewed separately, are played a recording of this comment. Upon hearing such blatant bumble-speak, each of these talented and highly educated masters of applied science is heard to utter, in near-despair, “You can't make this shit up...”

7. This to insinuate that established facts are not already widely published, and by extension that he is “on the job,” a “watchdog” perceptive enough to “ask the questions that need answers!” This method of misguiding his constituents is a textbook example of perverse and pathological idiocy...

8. To be sure, the wheels of “The (White) Empire Builder,” AKA “The Demapocalypse Express,” AKA “The Crazy Train,” were greased for decades by the likes of Limbaugh, Carlson, O'Reilly, Grover Norquist…

9. And, when false assurance is needed, Johnson dons his scrubs and morphs into their quack doctor...


A. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/21/us/politics/ron-johnson-wisconsin-misinformation.html

B. ibid.

C. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-52446965

D. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/investigations-discovery/hospitalization-death-by-race-ethnicity.html

E. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/summer-soldiers-and-sunshine-patriots-american-crisis

F. www.cdc.gov/....

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